Posts Tagged goals

Something to work for……

My word for today is…..GOALS!

I’ve been working a lot lately on helping others set goals.  And spending a lot of time contemplating my own goals – personal and professional.  It seems that everywhere I turn, I hear the word!  Mind you, I’m a self-help junky who listens to “Achieving Your Peak Performance” CDs in her car, but still……the word is all around me.  I heard it on NPR this morning, my boyfriend said the word last night about something completely unrelated to me, that movie I saw this weekend……and I think I know why – they really do help!

When I get stuck on tackling the biggies, which is actually where I find myself at the moment, I start to consider my daily To Do lists as a big list of mini-goals.  It gives me a sense of progress and keeps me moving in baby steps while I contemplate the big-ticket items.

My goals for today…, get 3 others in Orinda to blog, actually get out of the library for a lunch break, and, oh yeah, get at least one Big Goal down on paper!

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